Custom sticker printing for 2022


Custom Sticker Printing

Well it’s been along time since our little sticker printing blog got updated so as we go into 2022 I thought I would take the lead and reignite our feed by updating you on what has been going on over the last couple of years… brace yourself and put the kettle on or top-up your water bottle as it’s been busy!

First and foremost I would like to give a big thank you - that’s a HUGE thank you - to all of our amazing customers, old and new, that have helped make Stickers and Decals such an amazing success since we launched a few years ago.

With custom sticker printing and custom vinyl decal orders landing all day every day, we paused our blog so that we could fine-tune our neat processes and systems to make artwork approval, production, customer support and dispatch even slicker. I am proud to say that from the wonderful feedback we receive thats it’s worked.

During that time we have seen our market grow with lots of new firms springing up online. Whilst I embrace competition there is a special mention to a certain company that completely copied both our logo and product image listings.

As a creator of original content I can say personally that it really frustrates me to see this total lack of creativity, especially in a sector that is founded from design and creativity!

Anyway, moving on…

When you add in lockdowns and remote working that we have seen now become an established part of how businesses operate it really has been an eventful time.

We are fortunate at Stickers and Decals to have embraced a remote working model way before it became something that you read in the headlines every day and are pleased to see other companies using this model so that their employees get a great work life balance.

After all a happy team is a more productive team.

The recent challenges of social distancing seen by all businesses bought us a new challenge as floor marking stickers suddenly shot up our hot-list rankings 18 months ago.

With a fantastic supply chain in place ensuring we had the right materials at the right time and knowing that we could be relied upon to deliver these urgent orders has opened channelled into new clients that we are now proud to call friends.

So, what happened to the blog then?

Well blogging, when done properly, takes time thought and consideration because after all who wants to read a boring two second non-informative article!

If you know us then you’ll already know that what ever we do we like to do it properly to the highest standard each and every time.

This doesn’t just apply to printing custom stickers or making custom vinyl decals, this also applies to our blog so having had such a busy period we felt it better to set the blog aside whilst we grew to keep up with your orders.

Fast forward to 2022 and Stickers and Decals is a dramatically different business to what it was when we last posted.

We have invested heavily in both software and equipment which takes a huge amount of time and effort to finesse and fine-tune before making it a part of our live day today production.

Custom Sticker Printing

Our vinyl sticker printing machines are of the latest in high definition vinyl printing technology and now allow us to print your orders at nearly 3 times the speed of when we first started!

As genuine sticker printing geeks it is so cool to see and if I’m honest I could stand there all day - every day watching your wonderful designs be printed.

Alongside this we took a view that if we were printing at three times the rate then we would need to cut your stickers and decals at a much higher speed to keep up so we have increased our precision cutting machinery also.

This all seems pretty straightforward but getting this stuff ‘to talk’ was a whole different challenge.

As normal it wasn’t one that we would let hold us back and our guys and girls got stuck straight in with networks patches, routers and remote servers to make it happen.

With our production output now finally dialled-in back in late 2020 we went full tilt and increased our product range knowing for sure that we can manage whatever is given to us.

When most people think of stickers I think it is fair to say that they think of either that little colourful circle sticker you had slapped onto their school jumper by the dentist as a kid or something that has made you smile on the bumper of somebody’s car whilst you are sat in traffic.

But the world of custom sticker printing is in fact much more diverse.

Reading back over some old blog posts to see what we had covered previously I noted that we had looked at the difference between a vinyl sticker and a vinyl decal but really to most people the term is interchangeable and predominantly it is stickers that wins so for ease let’s just keep to this term for now.

Our wider range of stickers launched back in late 2019 and now includes fully custom wall stickers, window stickers, windscreen stickers and vehicle stickers.

With a range of vinyl decal transfers also growing (sorry but I love custom vinyl decals so had to mention it) we really do have it covered, whatever the application.

You can now find our products on everything from laptops to trains, sports cars to product packaging and motorbikes to planes.

You name it, we probably have printed it.

Custom Sticker Printing

So, what’s next?

Going into 2022 it is now time for us to announce that in the very near future we will also be launching a curated range of the most popular designs and layouts to help those that have stumbled across us but don’t have artwork or graphic design software to prepare their own sticker layouts for print.

As of today (a cold Sunday afternoon in the UK) we have signed off and approved on over 100 premade designs that our awesome graphic design studio have created and are now beavering away in the background to make these available to you sometime in February.

We always like to launch something on a day of celebration so it may be Valentine’s Day or as everybody loves pancakes it might even be Shrove Tuesday… Free pancake sticker with your order anybody?

As we go into 2022 I also want to give a special shout out to our team here. We always put our clients first at Stickers and Decals but without an amazing crew of wonderful people around us it simply just wouldn’t happen.

When I say our team, to me this is extended to people outside of our offices, outside of our desks at home and outside of our awesome production facility.

To me our team is also made up of those people that make everything we do possible.

The delivery drivers from our suppliers that get our materials to us immaculately and on time.

Our partners at home who put up with us randomly jabbering on about diecutting pressure settings at 2am in the morning.

The guys and girls we speak to on the phone everyday when we place our orders.

And most importantly awesome people like you, who for whatever reason, have decided to read the blog of how a little idea grew into a flourishing and trusted business.

To all of you thank you. It’s your support that makes it happen and it is a founding part of our ongoing success.

Thanks for reading, I’m pleased to say that I’ll be back soon with something perhaps a little more useful like “how to design awesome custom printed stickers at home”?

Keep it sticky and all the best to you for 2022

Ollie, Founder

Need custom sticker printing?

Order yours here

Ollie Limpkin